I was invited to speak at the Support Services Institute’s Konferens 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden. My trip to Stockholm was terrific. I spent a week in the old city and toured through museums, restaurants, and shops.
Before the conference, I taught a class on Knowledge Management Implementation Strategies. Then I gave two keynote talks: Service Desk Strategies: Techniques to Further Integrate IT with the Business Through its Primary Point of Contact and The Future of the IT Service Provider.
This picture is with the host of the event Lars Ola Lundqvist.
Topic Overview
Service Desk Strategies: Techniques to Further Integrate IT with the Business Through its Primary Point of Contact (Keynote)
Incident management captures and maintains an incredible repository of information about our customers and how IT services create value for the business. This information when leveraged efficiently can change how the company views the IT service provider. This session will explore:
- How to measure business value
- How to identify business opportunities
- How to drive continuous improvement.
This session will also explore the importance of three key initiatives to drive value and integration with the business:
- Knowledge management
- Self-service and
- Expanding the view of the Service Catalog.
The Future of the Service Desk: Key Social and Technology Advancements and How They Impact the Service Desk (Keynote)
With the integration of IT and the Business, the Service Desk can lead the way to social and business change. In this session we will better understand:
- What skills will the Service Desk need to sustain IT-Business integration?
- How will knowledge management advance the way that we interface with our customers?
- Will social networking change how we build and sustain a relationship with end users?
- What is the impact of social networking, Enterprise 2.0, Wave 4 of Mobile Computing?
- How will Green IT impact the way we do business?
- How can we better leverage Business Analytics to improve business-IT integration
- How this will impact the future of the Service Desk?
Knowledge-Centered Support Implementation Strategies: Effective Design and Implementation of the KCS Methodologies (Workshop)
Knowledge-Centered Support is a knowledge management framework for Support Organizations that creates, manages and maintains knowledge to enable more rapid restoration of service. However many organizations struggle with the implementation of KCS and taking knowledge management to the next level. In this workshop, we will explore the implementation techniques to leverage the KCS Methodology in your environment fully. We will:
- Review the concepts of KCS
- Investigate the adoption roadmap
- Better understand what is required to implement KCS successfully in your environment
- Further advance the KCS adoption to use collaborative tools
- Measure the value of KCS and,
- Expand the methodology and techniques across the service lifecycle.