Category: IT Service Management

  • Incident Categorization: An Improved Method to the Madness

    Incident Categorization: An Improved Method to the Madness

    Incident categorization is a challenge for IT organizations. Whether it is due to culture, politics, complexity, or an inability to agree — every organization at some point finds that the categorization of incidents is ineffective, out-of-control, or difficult to maintain. Why does it cause so much of a challenge? There is no one right way…

  • Meet Sherlock: The Knowledge Bot about Knowledge

    Meet Sherlock: The Knowledge Bot about Knowledge

    With all the hoopla about chatbots and the introduction of artificial intelligence as a means of providing services to our customers, I wanted to understand what AI is all about and what it takes to develop an effective chatbot adoption strategy. After a few weeks of research, I decided to implement a chatbot on my…

  • Mapping the Incident Management Process

    Mapping the Incident Management Process

    It’s Tuesday, and your manager has just called you into the office. “We are appointing you to a new role within the IT support team. I would like to you to be the incident process owner.” After a moment of shock, surprise, and excitement all at once, you listen to the details and how your…

  • Zero-Strategy: Disruption through Reduction

    Zero-Strategy: Disruption through Reduction

    Innovation is more than just a trend; it has become a requirement for organizations that want to stay competitive in today’s economy. But many organizations struggle with developing strategies that will genuinely innovate the workplace and serve customers in new ways. Without innovative strategies, your company is likely to underserve its customers and experience lower…

  • Service Management and the Cloud

    Service Management and the Cloud

    With the proliferation of cloud computing services and the promise of cost savings and improved agility, organizations have developed aggressive cloud adoption strategies that have had less than favorable IT service management results. Organizations with an immature service management program are less likely to achieve the expected results from cloud computing due to process ineffectiveness…

  • Navigating the Road to Customer Satisfaction: Combining CEM and ITSM

    Navigating the Road to Customer Satisfaction: Combining CEM and ITSM

    Customer Experience Management is a strategic focus on managing all interactions with a customer across the entire experience with a product or service. Organizations need to engineer a customer experience that creates a vision of what they want to provide, distinguishes services from the competition, and creates loyal customer advocates that tell others how great…

  • How Do We Solve Problems in IT?

    How Do We Solve Problems in IT?

    Do you remember the television show Home Improvement? Tim “the toolman” Taylor had to have the most powerful tools and often super-sized his approach to solving household problems. I remember the episode when he supercharged the dishwasher. But his approach to solving problems and improving households represents something important for IT professionals facing problems in…

  • Drive Process Quality: Know Your Error Rate

    Drive Process Quality: Know Your Error Rate

    Mapping support processes is an important step in creating efficiency n your support environment. Through modeling of the current environment, we can compare what exists today, eliminate any unnecessary steps, and clearly define roles and responsibilities. Once the process is mapped and efficiency achieved, key measurement points within the process help management to measure process…

  • Career Pathing Made Simple

    Career Pathing Made Simple

    In any support organization, it is important to develop a defined career path. The career path sets expectations with staff on what opportunities are available for growth within the organization. Most employees will want to develop their skills and grow their potential over time. If growth opportunities are not available, the career-motivated employees will seek…

  • Service Transition: Critical Success Factors

    Service Transition: Critical Success Factors

    For years organizations have struggled with the management of change. We know that we need to change. We do not do a good job of planning and managing change within the IT Organization. Three critical success factors can help your organization to manage transition more successfully. Transition Planning and Support How do you more efficiently…