In this webinar, we discuss the disruption of vertical markets through the use of collaboration, innovative business models, knowledge, and new technologies. Examples demonstrate how companies who do nothing to adapt are likely not to exist. Those companies that do adapt are not only innovating but also leading in terms of revenue and growth. The IT industry needs to pay attention to what has happened across all other vertical markets and realize that our industry is primed for disruption.
Topic Overview
Living in the Disruption Economy: Why Our Customers Are Screaming for Change and We’re Still Not Listening
As we progress as a society from the knowledge economy through the disruption economy, our customers are becoming more vocal about what they want and need from their service providers. No longer are customers willing to put up with bureaucratic and lethargic global enterprises who are slow to change and create unnecessary friction for the consumer.
Customers are voting with their currency, choosing Uber over taxis, Amazon over the department store, Airbnb over hotels, and Netflix over the network TV station. If we are not careful in IT, we will also become extinct. We need to develop strategies that innovate, reduce friction and stop waiting for our customers to come to us. And knowledge is the key to our success.