Tag: IT Governance

  • A Holistic Approach to Change Management WEBINAR

    A Holistic Approach to Change Management WEBINAR

    Are you tired of hearing about how to implement Change Management and yet when you try it something is still missing? In this session, instead of talking about the perfect implementation of Change Management we take it back to the basics and figure out what is really needed to make Change Management successful. Using a…

  • I.T. Governance: What’s it REALLY All About? WEBINAR

    I.T. Governance: What’s it REALLY All About? WEBINAR

    The Kansas City itSMF local interest group want me to do a webinar on the topic of I.T. Governance. This webinar discusses the basic principles of IT governance and COBIT, and how it works with IT service management. It also explores the importance of risk management for effective service management. If you enjoy this webinar,…

  • IT Frameworks, Standards and Models

    IT Frameworks, Standards and Models

    Frameworks like the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) are not new. Frameworks existed before there was technology. Why is it that so many organizations have now begun to evaluate and adopt a framework in Information Technology? Why Use IT Frameworks? The basic answer is structure. Organizations need to adopt a structured environment to achieve operational…

  • itSMF LeadIT Annual Conference & Expo, Melbourne, Australia

    itSMF LeadIT Annual Conference & Expo, Melbourne, Australia

    After many trips to Australia for the PACRIM conference, I had an opportunity not only to co-present on the topic of Business Value Dashboards at LeadIT 2014 – I also got to sit on a panel discussion on the subject of Change the Conversation: Moving Production to the Cloud. The panel discussion on cloud computing was…

  • Corporate Speaking Engagement 2013, Bloomington, IL

    Corporate Speaking Engagement 2013, Bloomington, IL

    The trip to Bloomington, IL is a bit of a challenge, but the IT event that I was invited to speak at was a huge corporate IT event focused on IT service management. The topic of my presentation was Understanding and Mastering Organizational Change: What is In It for You? Attendees were attentively listening, and we…

  • Delaware Valley HDI Chapter Vendor Fair – Keynote Speaker

    Delaware Valley HDI Chapter Vendor Fair – Keynote Speaker

    I was invited to speak at the Delaware Valley HDI Chapter Vendor fair. I had two sessions: one on the topic of Auditing Your Support Organization and the second one titled Everything I Ever Learned About Management I Learned from the Movies. Topic Overview Auditing Your Support Organization – Your Key to Successful Enhancement of…